Friday 28 December 2012


KMSnano Automatic v10.0 Final for ALL Windows 8 and Office 2013 Editon

KMSnano - is the ideal tool to activate the final version of Windows 7/8 and Office 2010/2013. Activator does not require user intervention, the entire activation process takes place in the background, just run the activator and a couple of minutes to check the activation status of Windows and / or Office.
KMSnano can Activate All Editions Of windows Under Volume Licence
Activates: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 Pro / Enter / N / VL and Windows Server Std / Data 2008/2008R2/2012, as well as Office 2010/2013.
Requirements: . NET 4.0 or Windows 8
If it does not activate, you probably need to convert your activations to volume licenses.
Extract the kmsnano.exe to a subdirectory and run the convert_windows_retail2vl.cmd.
If that program does not run, there is an error in your data.dat and tokens.dat files.
In that case run the Fix Hacktivations.cmd file.
(This does a SFC scan on all your system files including data.dat and tokens.dat) It then converts your windows to volume channel.
Rerun the kmsnano.exe once you have successfully converted to volume license.
There's no reason to convert to retail at this time. There are no legit activation bypasses for retail versions. The only exception being the ProWMC loophole, which is fairly complicated.
  1. Double-click on KMSnano.exe.
  2. Wait for the files to decompress.
  3. Wait for activation process to finish.
    (If it doesn't let you know when it's done, you can check task manager or just wait a bit)
  4. Run the Check_Activation.cmd to verify your KMS activation status.
It does not modify any of your system files.
Because it's not a crack or a hack.
Because it's the only way to get legit activation without using legit servers.


Download n.a.n.o_v10.0.SC.rar (40.082 KB)

cara membuat crack menggunakan software Dup2 dan Cygnus ex Editor

Postingan kali ini saya akan memberi sedikit Tip bagi anda yang ingin belajar membuat Crack sendiri tanpa harus mengetahui bahasa Assembly. Untuk memahami bahasa Assembly membutuhkan waktu dan ketekunan dan niat bila ingin menjadi Cracker.
Biasanya suatu Software bila sudah di perbaharui maka Crack yang anda gunakan tidak akan bekerja lagi, sebagian Crack akan memeriksa / verifikasi file size dan CRC32. bila anda mengenal Visual Basic dan pernah mencoba membuat Antivirus sendiri pasti tidak asing lagi dengan CRC32. Dan pertanyaanya, bila seperti itu berarti Patch yang sudah saya Download tidak berguna lagi donk??? Maka dari itu saya akan memberikan teknik ini untuk memanfaatkan file Patch yang lama bisa kembali di gunakan untuk Software yang telah di perbaharui atau terupdate.
Dan Ini yang terpenting: Cara ini tidak akan berguna bila programmernya tidak mengupdate security programnya. Karna bagi para Cracker apabila sistem keamanan sudah berubah maka harus mencari celah lagi untuk debug atau masuk ke system Software tersebut lagi.

Langsung saja sekarang kita mulai Cara Membuat Crack Menggunakan Software:

Disini saya akan menggunakan 2 Aplikasi, yaitu Dup2 dan Cygnus Hex Editor anda bisa Download Dup2 Disini.
Aplikasi yang lain sejenisnya seperti Patch Creation Wizard, Aplikasi ini lebih simple, tapi menurut saya lebih lengkap Dup2. Bila anda ingin mencoba menggunakan Patch Creation Wizard Anda bisa Download Disini.
Aplikasi yang ke dua adalah text hex editor, saya menggunakan Cygnus Hex Editor Anda bisa Download Cygnus Hex Editor Disini.
Anda harus mempunyai Patch Software versi sebelumnya. Bila syarat di atas sudah terpenuhi Anda bisa memulai membuat Crack Software nya.

Silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut :
  • Jalan kan file dup2.exe
  • Klik tombol New Project yang ada disebelah kanan dUP 2, dan klik tombol Save di Patch Info.
  • Klik tombol Add , pilih Offset Patch dan klik OK
  • Anda akan mendapatkan kata [Offset Patch] pada jendela Patch Data

  • Cara Membuat Crack Menggunakan Software

  • Double click di [Offset Patch] dan akan keluar jendela Offset Patchdata
  • Load file original dan file Patch dengan menekan tombol “…” dan klik tombol Compare.

  • Cara Membuat Crack Menggunakan Software

  • Setelah itu Anda akan tahu address mana yang telah diubah
  • Sekarang buka file original (di sini saya menggunakan program kalkulator yang bernama raycalc.exe.bak) dengan Cygnus Hex Editor
  • Tekan tombol Ctrl+G, dan akan keluar jendela Go To
  • Pada frame Base , ubah pilihannya, dari Decimal ke Hexadecimal
  • Lalu masukan address / copy paste pada text Go To Offset dengan address yang didapatkan dari program duP2 (ambil address pada kolom RAW Offset)
  • Nah sesudah itu sampean tinggal mengubah semua nilai pada file original sesuai dengan apa yang telah diubah pada file crack

  • Cara Membuat Crack Menggunakan Software
  • Di dUP2, saya dapat melihat pada kolom old byte ada angka 74 dan 14 diganti dengan nilai 90 dan 90(kolom New Byte)

  • Cara Membuat Crack Menggunakan Software
  • Sekarang kembali ke Hex Editor, ganti semua data 74 menjadi 90 dan 14 menjadi 90 dan tekan tombol Save (Nilai dan jumlah angka yang akan Anda dapatkan akan berbeda, tetapi ubah semua datanya sesuai dengan apa yang mas bro dapatkan pada program duP2
  • Selesai
Bila berhasil Crack yang sudah jadi akan bisa di gunakan untuk update Software terbarunya.


Download here Dup2.rar (1.073 KB)
Download here Patch Creation Wizard v1.2.rar (20 KB)
Download here cygnusfe.rar (283 KB)


Untuk cara downloadnya Anda akan diarahkan ke kemudian tunggu 5 detik dan cari tombol SKIP AD yang berada di sebelah kanan atas monitor anda.

contoh nested if

int nilai;
if(nilai<70) {"anda tidak lulus";}
else "anda lulus";


int nilai;
if( nilai>=70 AND nilai<=100 )
then "anda lulus";
else "anda tidak lulus";


kondisi 1
contoh 1
    True        True  = True
if( nilai>=70 AND nilai<=100 )
then "anda lulus";

contoh 2
    False        True = False
if( nilai>=70 AND nilai<=100 )
then "anda lulus";

kondisi 2
contoh 1
    True       True = true
if( nilai<70 AND nilai>=0 )
"anda tidak lulus";

contoh 2
    False       True    = False
if( nilai<70 AND nilai>=0 )
"anda tidak lulus";
int nilai;
if( nilai>=70 AND nilai<=100 )
then "anda lulus";
else if( nilai<70 AND nilai>=0 )
then "anda tidak lulus";
else "bukan index nilai";
80-100 = A
60-79  = B
50-59  = C
30-49  = D
0-29   = E
<0 atau >100 = bukan index nilai

int nilai;
if(nilai>=80 AND nilai<=100) then "A"
else if(nilai>=60 AND nilai<80) then "B"
else if(nilai>=50 AND nilai<60) then "C"
else if(nilai>=30 AND nilai<50) then "D"
else if(nilai>=0 AND nilai<30) then "E"
else "bukan index nilai";

Tuesday 25 December 2012

C++ Variable Scope

A scope is a region of the program and broadly speaking there are three places where variables can be declared:
  1. Inside a function or a block which is called local variables,
  2. In the definition of function parameters which is called formal parameters.
  3. Outside of all functions which is called global variables.
We will learn what is a function and it's parameter in subsequent chapters. Here let us explain what are local and global variables.

Local Variables:

Variables that are declared inside a function or block are local variables. They can be used only by statements that are inside that function or block of code. Local variables are not known to functions outside their own. Following is the example using local variables:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
  // Local variable declaration:
  int a, b;
  int c;
  // actual initialization
  a = 10;
  b = 20;
  c = a + b;
  cout << c;
  return 0;

Global Variables:

Global variables are defined outside of all the functions, usually on top of the program. The global variables will hold their value throughout the lifetime of your program.
A global variable can be accessed by any function. That is, a global variable is available for use throughout your entire program after its declaration. Following is the example using global and local variables:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Global variable declaration:
int g;
int main ()
  // Local variable declaration:
  int a, b;
  // actual initialization
  a = 10;
  b = 20;
  g = a + b;
  cout << g;
  return 0;
A program can have same name for local and global variables but value of local variable inside a function will take preference. For example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Global variable declaration:
int g = 20;
int main ()
  // Local variable declaration:
  int g = 10;
  cout << g;
  return 0;

tutorial c++ if else

An if statement can be followed by an optional else statement, which executes when the boolean expression is false.


The syntax of an if...else statement in C++ is:
   // statement(s) will execute if the boolean expression is true
  // statement(s) will execute if the boolean expression is false
If the boolean expression evaluates to true then the if block of code will be executed otherwise else block of code will be executed.

Flow Diagram:

C++ if...else statement


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
   // local variable declaration:
   int a = 100;
   // check the boolean condition
   if( a < 20 )
       // if condition is true then print the following
       cout << "a is less than 20;" << endl;
       // if condition is false then print the following
       cout << "a is not less than 20;" << endl;
   cout << "value of a is : " << a << endl;
   return 0;
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces following result:
a is not less than 20;
value of a is : 100

The if...else if...else Statement:

An if statement can be followed by an optional else if...else statement, which is very usefull to test various conditions using single if...else if statement.
When using if , else if , else statements there are few points to keep in mind.
  • An if can have zero or one else's and it must come after any else if's.
  • An if can have zero to many else if's and they must come before the else.
  • Once an else if succeeds, none of he remaining else if's or else's will be tested.


The syntax of an if...else if...else statement in C++ is:
if(boolean_expression 1)
   // Executes when the boolean expression 1 is true
else if( boolean_expression 2)
   // Executes when the boolean expression 2 is true
else if( boolean_expression 3)
   // Executes when the boolean expression 3 is true
   // executes when the none of the above condition is true.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
   // local variable declaration:
   int a = 100;
   // check the boolean condition
   if( a == 10 )
       // if condition is true then print the following
       cout << "Value of a is 10" << endl;
   else if( a == 20 )
       // if else if condition is true
       cout << "Value of a is 20" << endl;
   else if( a == 30 )
       // if else if condition is true 
       cout << "Value of a is 30" << endl;
       // if none of the conditions is true
       cout << "Value of a is not matching" << endl;
   cout << "Exact value of a is : " << a << endl;
   return 0;
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces following result:
Value of a is not matching
Exact value of a is : 100